Craxel's O(1) Breakthrough

Craxel has invented and patented technology that provides a better way to organize data at any scale. Our algorithms make it possible to organize high volume, high velocity data at the speed it is generated at incredibly low cost.

The end result: time and cost to access data can be decoupled from the size of the data set.

Until now, only simple key value stores could decouple performance from data set size. The ability to do it universally for all data types while providing efficient range and spatial query is revolutionary.

Craxel's breakthrough radically reduces time to insight, ad-hoc query latency, and marginal cost of query. It also allows data to be organized in a way where relationships within data sets can be quickly and efficiently analyzed and understood.

Breakthrough idea

GPS for Your Data: Black Forest Decouples Performance from Data Size

Craxel's algorithm is constant time, and therefore Black Forest knows exactly where to store a given record and knows exactly where to find the records that match a given query no matter the size of your data. Most data management systems are able to coarse grain filter portions of a data set when they perform a query. However, Black Forest is able to very precisely determine which records to load from disk, send over the network, and evaluate in compute. Think of it as  GPS for your data.  

The result is incredible speed and efficiency at any scale. This includes remarkably rapid time to ingest, outstanding query time, and incredible efficiency. Black Forest's exquisite map of the data dramatically reduces how much extraneous data must be loaded from storage, sent across the network, and processed.

Exquisite map to data

Craxel's O(1) Breakthrough Works for Complex Queries such as Range and Geospatial

This is the most revolutionary aspect of Craxel's O(1) breakthrough

When software engineers think of O(1), they immediately think of hash tables or key/value stores. Hash tables operate in O(1), but they only work to look up specific keys. They do not have properties to allow for anything more complex than simply, "give me the value associated with this key." This is not sufficient for most data management use cases. If it were, then the myriad of database engines in use today would not exist.

Craxel's patented technology uses an O(1) algorithm to determine exactly where a data value should be stored or found, enabling astonishingly fast range, intersection, spatial, and multi-dimensional query.